
First, A Little Gratitude…


We are so incredibly lucky to be living in a time where Telehealth is an option for therapy treatment. Especially as we all navigate the changing circumstances with COVID-19, Telehealth makes it possible for us to not only connect, but also gain clarity, insight and healing during this difficult time.

How does it work?

I utilize two different Telehealth video platforms that are HIPAA compliant in my sessions with clients. Once we begin working together I will ensure you have all the proper applications you need to get started. We will meet online and I will initiate our session at your appointment time. If you are unavailable when I make the initial call, I’ll ask that you call me back when you are ready to begin.

What equipment do I need?

  1. Desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet device, or a smart phone are all wonderful options.

  2. Internet or phone connection: For optimal results, a reliable, high-speed internet connection with a bandwidth of at least 10 mbps will minimize connection issues and provide the best quality.

Telehealth Tips…

Many people prefer to meet in my office where they have a confidential space and a safe environment to process life issues. However, due to COVID-19 we unfortunately do not have current access to meet this way. Here are some tips to ensure you get the most out of your Telehealth sessions:

  1. Download all applications and software before your first session and give it a test drive. I recommend joining the video appointment a few minutes early to test your settings.

  2. Find a quiet space, and ask housemates (and pets!) to please not interrupt during the hour. Sometimes it is impossible to find a safe place in your home to meet. If this is the case we can talk about creative options to ensure you have a confidential space.

  3. If you are concerned about others over-hearing you, I recommend putting on music (or a white noise app) outside of the room you'll be using. Wearing headphones will also help with confidentiality.

  4. Have your device set-up so you don’t have to hold it for the hour (your arm will thank me and you’ll feel more at ease!)

  5. Improve the quality of your connection by closing other applications and turning off notifications during the hour.

  6. Get cozy! This is one if the great benefits of Telehealth. You do not need to get dressed up and travel through traffic to get to your appointment. Put on some fluffy socks, wrap yourself in a blanket, grab a cup of coffee and make yourself as comfortable as possible.

  7. Have a pen and paper nearby as sometimes we will do some writing and other activities together.

  8. Have a grounding object nearby. In my office I offer aromatherapy play dough and other objects for my clients to hold onto as we talk. This often helps immensely when we are exploring areas of life that are harder to approach. I suggest having something nearby for you to hold as well, if you feel this could be helpful to you.

For any other questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me!

I serve all Virginia residents included, but not limited to Northern, VA and Richmond, VA.

“During a storm Hope gives us the chance to look at things as they are and still be confident that something better is coming.”

-Joyce Meyer